ADAM CHRISTIAN ENTERPRISES GROUP: Are are a small group of like-minded people that provide help and guidance in all forms for people in need.Our services are to provide a way for people that have been let down in their lives who have a problem.This may range from a financial,business or a property matter. Or they may just need a friend to e-mail them or just to talk to when they feel lonely.News stories at
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Showing posts with label #AceNewsServices. Show all posts
When l first watched this video l was amazed how little information l was aware of and how it had almost always controlled our very existence! Of course it is called " State of Mind" for a reason and it should not be taken as verbatim, as it can lead anyone reading this post and watching the video to the wrong conclusions!
So l urge you to take some and download the video and watch it first, then make your news and views known on here! Then shortly l will write my personal views on this video and post them as a follow, my reason for calling this part one!
All our posts and news articles are provided with an open view in mind! They do not always reflect our personal opinions or even, if we agree with the writers views! The posts we put on ourselves, will always advise these are written by ourselves!
Should you like to check out our items just Tweet: #AceNewsServices Email your News and Views Visit: Ace News Group
17 April 2012, Las Vegas – The Aircraft Fleet Recycling Association (AFRA) is pleased to announce the publication of its new Best Management Practice (BMP) Guide for the recycling of aircraft materials today at the ISRI convention in Las Vegas. The Association also announces the first AFRA Accreditations under the new BMP of ELG Metals (Los Angeles) and HuronValley Fritz West (Tucson).
The new guide provides practical solutions for all those working in the field of aircraft parts and materials recycling, and the accompanying AFRA audit and accreditation program assures that the facilities operate in a safe and environmentally responsible fashion, while allowing businesses to find sustainable solutions for themselves and their customers.
This new guide will help them capture maximum value from aircraft which have reached the end of revenue service, by increasing the amounts of materials that can be recycled and raising the overall residual value of the high-grade materials used in aircraft manufacturing.
AFRA's Executive Director Martin Fraissignes welcomed the launch of the new BMP Guide: 'We are extremely proud of our new guide. It is a perfect example of industry taking the initiative in addressing the important issues which face the aircraft end-of-life industry. AFRA believes the new Guide and its accompanying audit and accreditation program enables businesses to develop a more systematic and specialized approach to aircraft materials recycling.'
Scott Laughlin Vice-President Operations at Huron Valley Fritz West, one of the first companies to be accredited under AFRA's new BMP Guide, stated: 'We believe AFRA Accredited companies will create improved value propositions and create increased business opportunities in a sector which increasingly appreciates a commitment to environmental best practice'.
Denis Oliver, Manager-Aerospace Business Development of ELG Metals, which has also received accreditation through the new AFRA BMP Guide, believes: 'This new AFRA initiative undoubtedly promotes environmental and operational excellence in our sector. We are happy to be associated with the new guide and have utilized it to assess and where necessary improve our practices and procedures.'
Speaking at the launch of the new BMP in Las Vegas, AFRA Deputy Director Bill Carberry stated: 'This new guide provides valuable solutions to aircraft materials recyclers who wish to be at the cutting edge of sustainable and environmental best practices in their industry.
See on – Public Law Children Act Cases The cloak of secrecy is to be lifted from family courts in a landmark decision giving greater rights to tens of thousands of parents and their children every year. Judgments determining custody battles, care orders and whether children should be rehomed will in future be […]
Munby plays a confidence trick !The cloak of secrecy in family courts will not be lifted simply
The cloak of secrecy will not be lifted just
because L.J Munby now says" judgements will in future be published unless there are compelling reasons not to do so .Who decides the reasons? Why the judges of course !
1:-Judges will still find "compelling reasons" not to publish dodgy judgements.Their judgements are 99% in favour of local authorities so parents' views will NOT be published
2:-The public(including grandparents and relatives of parents) will still be excluded from family courts.
3:-Mothers whose babies have been taken at birth will still be threatened with jail if they" go
public"Forced adoption will uniquely in UK continue unabated so babies are" lost for life"
4:- More children will still be taken for emotional abuse (or risk of it !) than those removed for both sex abuse and physical abuse added together;
5:-The media will still be forbidden to name parents who want to protest openly and publicly
6:-Children taken into care will still have their mobiles and laptops confiscated to isolate them from family and friends, Conversation with visiting parents will still be strictly censored
7:-Children in care receiving visits will still be forbidden to report abuse by fosterers,care workers,or social workers,and nearly half will still end up in jail or as sex workers.
8:-Agencies like Barnardos and N.F.A (founded by 2 social workers and sold for £130million+) will still make fortunes from recruiting fosterers and adoptive parents
9:- Foreign visitors who are single parents here for a holiday or to meet with relatives will be prevented from returning home their children will still be taken for forced adoption.
10:-Pregnant women fleeing the uk before any court proceedings start will still be tracked down in foreign countries by the SS who will snatch the children for forced adoption uk
11:-Judges will continue to issue injunctions forbidding parents who have committed no crime from contacting directly or indirectly their own children for periods of many years.
12:-PUNISHMENT WITHOUT CRIME will continue to be inflicted on parents, as experts (called hired guns in the Ireland report)predict risk of harm to children who are then adopted.