Sunday 2 May 2010

The Biblical Imperative to Embrace the Immigrant

Hi and Shalom George,

This is the way to greet all people on their travels through life and to leave people feeling better when we pass on our way. This side-lining of immigrants through-out the land has been around since before Christ and we called them Pharisees or similar as by giving any race of people a label we make anyone entering into our land a foreigner or by the time they migrate they become our modern day immigrant.

It is about time that that anyone entering the so-called foreign land or Britain, America, Germany or similar should be treated just as " A Foreigner In A Foreign Land" but with care and compassion of just that "Suddok" and maybe then we can remove the walls between racism and acceptance of someone different to ourselves.

We need to remember that all people that left Egypt a so-called foreign land to the Israelites as the Egyptians had side-lined the inhabitants and made them foreigners in a foreign land, so God took them to the Promised Land to make Suddok for all.

The Story is just beginning and we still have a lot to learn about ourselves first and this will allow us to understand others in a better and more consistent way.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday 24 April 2010

Gov. Jan Brewer Signs Controversial Arizona Immigration Bill: Decision Not 'Made Lightly'

This bill is totally wrong in a world where we are looking to the future whereby people will have the freedom of speech and human rights will be upheld by the westernised countries that are civilised and have led the world, like the USA.

Then along comes this misguided governor that changes everything and puts into law a way of side-lining, alienating and creating a way to prevent people all the rights that democracy has striven to provide over many years, from the colonisation of America to the present day. It amazes me how one person by the stoke of her pen can split down the centre the people of Arizona, in one go. Where does it stop when we coral people and have a police state that jails people just for speaking their mind.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday 10 April 2010

Alex Chilton Was Uninsured At The Time Of His Death

This is a story to read that will touch your heart as it is about a rock musician called Alex Chilton who was most famous for his leadership of " The Box Tops" those who remember this group may like to visit the blog connections left on this article and take a look.

Put as simply but not as well as as Jason Linkins l just wanted to put how sad it is in todays world of so much wealth that a man can die, just because he had no healthcare insurance due to the fact he would not have qualified under the rules and regulations applicable. This highlights simply as l was told a long-time ago that you can be rich and famous one day and another have nothing, as in his case a way to fund healthcare. God Bless - Alex and All Your Family and RIP.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sunday 4 April 2010

What Quantum Physics Tells Us About Consciousness

As the concious is a state of mind that associates itself by becoming a conciousness in its own right, it is only then we can apply physics be it quantum or not. So l read and cannot dispute along time a go when from a book called " Meditations on The First Philosophy " by Rene Descarte`s whereby he added a selection of Objections and Replies that led to two simple conclusions these are - " That If There Is No Doubt " there must exist God and if " There is Doubt Then God Cannot Exist " and the reason for this conclusion was that if you ask a question of anything and keep asking then God is not answering but the second you have no questions on any subject left to ask, then God must exist as he has answered all your questions. I have lived by this for the past 21 years since my life when down the pan and since my life is more peaceful and more fulfilled. Try it and see or do not and stay in the dark ?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday 3 April 2010

One Creator, Many Names

Hi George, my feelings about God is it is not the the name we call him but the fact that we feel in our heart that he is with us when we most need the help and guidance. This is only when as constant free-willer`s that we stop and say to ourselves - " Do I Really Know What I Am Doing " ? or " How Do I Do This Or That "? if we always believe in our own understanding then why do we need help from anyone let alone GOD?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday 30 March 2010

Moral Confusion in the Name of "Science"

My real problem with science and their beliefs are that they can tinker with what they truly do not really fully understand and then state such words as - " All in the name of science" the problem is it is not in the name of science when it goes wrong, but in their name and in some cases the damage becomes unable to be repaired. So l have a simple view on this matter - do not get confused just have faith in what you are doing and always put other people first in your life - even when they are wrong.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday 29 March 2010

The Creepiest Children's Books Ever (PICTURES)

This is very disturbing for children and makes you wonder how certain authors get their work passed for the type of age group they intend to appeal too as readers. Maybe it is time for a sort of board to give these type of books a grading and give guidelines as to who and at what age these children should be to read their book. Then maybe authors would think of their readers instead of the royalties they will earn from the sales. Anyone got any ideas or like to comment on this take a look at the books first and then let me know, all comments answered.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost