Monday, 29 August 2011

How Global Warming Will Make Hurricanes Like Irene Worse

Does global warming cause an impact on the worlds weather, this is the crux of the stories on the web following yesterday`s Hurricane Irene the answer is no body really knows or do we?

We can cite examples over history of massive earthquakes of x and y on the richer scale and also hurricanes like the ones seen over many years gone by, but one thing is certain each time we have another one we say that was different it never did what we thought it would do, or it was not like that before.

So my question is simple are we seeing changes that are so different that we cannot believe it is possible or are we so brain washed with knowledge provided by the so-called scientists that we continue to believe what they tell us, this story from my news stories is just one take on global warming and hurricanes like Irene.

Maybe it is about time to just say alright l will not disbelieve what l am told until it is proved in my heart that l am wrong.

How Global Warming Will Make Hurricanes Like Irene Worse:

Climate science suggests that global warming may lead to more and more extreme weather events like Hurricane Irene.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011



" The Roving Giraffe News Report " provided through Ace News Service

Monday, 23 May 2011

Black Lung Disease On The Rise Again

Black Lung Disease On The Rise Again: "

Black lung disease, long a killer of coal miners, is on the rise again after retreating in the 30 years since Congress passed tougher mine safety laws, health and safety experts said on Friday.

The renewed appearance of the disease emerged from an investigation of the worst U.S. coal mining disaster in four decades. It comes at a time when coal prices have risen sharply and some mine operators have been accused of cutting corners on safety in favor of profits.


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" The Roving Giraffe News Report " provided through Ace News Service

Tuesday, 16 November 2010