Thursday, 15 October 2009

Adam Christian Business Services: The Arctic will be ice-free in summer within 20 years, research says

Adam Christian Business Services: The Arctic will be ice-free in summer within 20 years, research says

" The Roving Giraffe News Report " provided through Ace News Service

Adam Christian Business Services: Ace US News Podcasting Couch

Adam Christian Business Services: Ace US News Podcasting Couch

" The Roving Giraffe News Report " provided through Ace News Service

Monday, 5 October 2009

2009 Sumatra earthquakes - The Big Picture -

2009 Sumatra earthquakes - The Big Picture - "

About 5:00 pm on September 30th, a magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck just offshore of the town of Padang in Sumatra, Indonesia. The quake toppled buildings and started many landslides, smashing homes and swallowing up entire villages. The following day, As rescue workers arrived and residents tried their best to dig out and help the survivors, another unrelated quake with a magnitude of 6.6 struck...

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The Giraffe says that the more we destroy the Eco-system the more the Eco-system will get its own back and earthquakes will be come more widespread and increase in magnitude, remember the days when it was 3.5 and now we see 6.6 and higher will man ever learn ?

" The Roving Giraffe News Report " provided through Ace News Service

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Senate Finance Committee to Vote on Public Option, Health Care Reform Fight Heats Up - ABC News

Senate Finance Committee to Vote on Public Option, Health Care Reform Fight Heats Up - ABC News

The Roving Giraffe - says that it appears that Obama has his work cut-out to get this through the senate, unless he can persuade the people wanting to keep the money from private healthcare rolling in, that people matter more than profit. G {Ian} " SHARE THIS AND SUPPORT THE BILL "

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Thursday, 24 September 2009

Fwd: [] New Comment (5614)

I thought you readers would like to read the follow-up comments from my posting the other day about 5 steps to protecting you against swine flu, these are my letter follow-ups and l cannot confirm the comments written as my personal view, but you are welcome to check it out for yourself and leave me a comment on the blog.       

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 6:50 PM
Subject: [] New Comment (5614)
To: idadamchristian96 <>

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Thank you for the opportunity to comment on your article. It is refreshing to see you list Pro and Prebiotics as critical weapons to have in the fight against H1N1 aka Swine Flu.

When I speak to friends, family and customers about prebiotics I hear comments such as "oh yeah, I've heard of probiotics.." or "do you mean probiotics?." There is a difference.

Prebiotics are soluble fibers which pass through the stomach unchanged. They nourish the good bacteria in the colon and are beneficial whether you consume a probiotic or not.

Probiotics are living organisms that are susceptible to heat, cold and aging. There are over 2,000 bacterial species in the colon. In addition bacteria in the colon is in the many trillions.

To get the greatest health benefit from a prebiotic supplement it is important to consume a full spectrum oligofructose enriched inulin (OEI) product. There are several inulin products available. A full spectrum OEI product nourishes the entire colon, not just a portion.

I would encourage your readers interested in more information to visit There they can learn more about Prebiotin and the many benefits a full spectrum OEI offers.

Thanks again for a great topic.

Best regards,

Bill Duprey

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