Sunday, 30 August 2009

We Need Clean Electricity In Our Homes - People in the West Need to Live With One Car: India's Environment Minister

We Need Clean Electricity In Our Homes - People in the West Need to Live With One Car: India's Environment Minister: "cars versus poverty photo
left photo: Mats Lindh; right photo: Nir Nussbaum

Speaking at a conference in Delhi, India's environment minister Jairam Ramesh urged Western nations to leave population out of climate talks, The Guardian reports. Ramesh said, 'Influential American think tanks are asking why should we reward profligate reproduction behavior' in the developing world. Then Ramesh really laid out bare the gap between rich and poor nations in the w...Read the full story on TreeHugger


The Roving Giraffe - says this is as true as l said on our business blog at when l wrote about the cash for clunkers deal fuelling peoples need for more cars and damaging the environment. I see it takes a developing country to tell us the same. But the west has other ideas and wants to include population statistics into the equation and eventually the blame given their way will end up being the poor peoples fault and not the west`s greed. G

" The Roving Giraffe News Report " provided through
Ace News Service

The Week in Pictures: Rare Tiger Dismembered, BPA-free SIGG's, Eco-Vacations and More

The Week in Pictures: Rare Tiger Dismembered, BPA-free SIGG's, Eco-Vacations and More: "week-in-pics-2009-08-28.jpg

From an ultra rare Sumatran tiger killed and dismembered at a zoo in Indonesia to SIGG's announcement that their bottles are now BPA - free, a lot happened this week. Jasmin showed us how to attain fresh, glowing skin -- without the botox or chemical peels -- and get crafty in the kitchen; KFC introduced their lard-laden Double Down sandwich where the bread has been replaced with two slabs of fried chicken; readers sent in photos of their eco-vacations and backyard nature photos for our weekly user-generated slideshows and Dr. Chris Cavacuiti of the University of Toronto, in a study, concluded that...Read the full story on TreeHugger


The Roving Giraffe - says here is a manufacturer called SIGG`s that has announced that their bottles are BPA - free take a look and let me know ? G

" The Roving Giraffe News Report " provided through
Ace News Service

Friday's Big Green Question: is Climate Change Hijacking the Environmental Agenda?

Friday's Big Green Question: is Climate Change Hijacking the Environmental Agenda?: "climate-change-hijack.jpg
Photo via St. Louis Today

It's Friday, and quite frankly, my brain hurts. It's been a long week, filled with dismembered tigers, robots designed to keep plants alive on Mars, the noisy end of Cash for Clunkers, and me getting yelled at (via civil and intelligent comments, of course) for suggesting we're in the beginning stages of a Read the full story on TreeHugger


The Roving Giraffe - says is it not time to stop all this tinkering with the edges and look at the real problems, we do not need to make robots to put on Mars to feed the world, or other items that will only fill the pockets of people saying " l am green buy this product " when the only people that are really green are the people parting with money believing they are helping the environment. G

" The Roving Giraffe News Report " provided through
Ace News Service

Beyond Parabens: 7 Common Cosmetics Ingredients You Need to Avoid

Beyond Parabens: 7 Common Cosmetics Ingredients You Need to Avoid: "Beauty products photo
Photo credit: DA Creative Photography

Consumer choice is a powerful thing. Say 'jump or I'll spend my cash somewhere else' and you'll set executives scrambling to use one another as makeshift human trampolines. It's for this reason and this reason alone—at least for the major corporations—that we're seeing such a proliferation of products cheerily proclaiming that they're BPA-free. Well, parabens are the bisphenol-A of the beauty industry, from t...Read the full story on TreeHugger


The Roving Giraffe - says this is a follow-up to my article released through digg and commented on sometime ago about the dangers of make-up and Parabens and how when challenged manufacturers start find alternatives and thank you to treehugger for a great article. If we all boycott these products {yes even men} l do not need make-up as l am a Giraffe and have great colour and l can hide in the environment quite easily from the poachers.

Sorry got carried away back to " Not using these ingredients that are not BPA free " so let us get them stopped ? G

" The Roving Giraffe News Report " provided through
Ace News Service

Sheep Grazing A "Best Practice" For Maintaining Ground-Level Solar Arrays

Sheep Grazing A "Best Practice" For Maintaining Ground-Level Solar Arrays: "sheep grazing solar farm photo
Sheep grazing amidst a solar panel array.

Grazing sheep are a practical means of controlling weeds and grasses that otherwise would block the sun from ground-level solar arrays. The practice, begun in Europe, may well become a world standard, and has already spread to America (see below for example).

The requisite fence around the solar farm perimeter not only 'keeps the sheeps,' it fences out peeps who might otherwise steal the sheeps...and panels. So, it's something insurance companies have come to insist upon.

How to keep the...Read the full story on TreeHugger


The Roving Giraffe - says that this maybe the way farming will become in the future as it has spread to America and what happens in the US will make its way here eventually, worst luck. But is one insurance company says we can save money then others will follow, as l found out many years ago when l worked for them " The leopard does not change its spots comes to mind " G

" The Roving Giraffe News Report " provided through
Ace News Service

A Minneapolis Couple Celebrates Their 50th Anniversary By Installing Rain Gardens For Their Block

A Minneapolis Couple Celebrates Their 50th Anniversary By Installing Rain Gardens For Their Block: "raingarden block party
photo: Ecoscapes Sustainable Landscaping

Most couples toast to 50 years with a nice bottle of champagne, flowers, or maybe a weekend away. But not the Wolks, instead they chose to mark the occasion with a rain garden block party. See why their anniversary will not soon be forgotten....Read the full story on TreeHugger


The roving giraffe says that this was an incredibly unselfish act that instead of receiving on their anniversary they gave something back to other people and thanks from G to the " WOLKS " for caring and that is why l shared this article with my network.


" The Roving Giraffe News Report " provided through
Ace News Service

Off Road Vehicles vs Wildlife: Cape Hatteras Under Threat

Off Road Vehicles vs Wildlife: Cape Hatteras Under Threat: "black skimmer cape hatteras shore photo
Image credit: Audubon NC

I've never really understood the attraction of 'off roading' - in fact, until I started brewing biodiesel with some Off Road Vehicle (ORV) enthusiasts, I didn't even really know what it was. I am, for the most part, a believer in personal freedom but, like Lloyd's take on ATV's and the environment, I find it hard to see how off roading can be done without significant ecological damage (I'm sure my biodiesel buddies will disagree!). Whether or not 'sustainable off roading' is even possible, it seems obviou...Read the full story on TreeHugger


The Giraffe says that only farmers ever needed a 4 x 4 this was until people that wanted to live in the country and have a second home in another area decided that a designer vehicle was required to look the part. So now we have more problems than just environmental including people that are local in villages being unable to afford a home as prices were pushed through the roof, by programmes promoting live in the country and become a self sufficient home owner. Personally and l know people that follow me may disagree all villages should not allow people that are not local to purchase any properties and this should be enabled by locals having a village council of people that have lived in the village for at least 10 years deciding. Well l am sure this may cause a barrage of comments. G

" The Roving Giraffe News Report " provided through
Ace News Service

Here Come the Tar Sands

Here Come the Tar Sands: "proposed oilsands pipeline network image
Proposed Tar Sands Pipeline and Refinery Network, excerpted from original.

We were surprised and disappointed last week when we heard that the State Department issued approval for a controversial pipeline designed to carry the dirtiest oil on Earth from Canada into the United States.

The State Department decision will allow construction of Enbridge Energy’s Alberta Clipper pipeline, which will carry tar sands oil from Canada into the United States. Tar sands oil is extremely dirty--It not only creates 3-5 times the greenhous...Read the full story on TreeHugger


The Giraffe says this is another proof that governments do not care about our environment and really want alternative sources of energy, be it wind, solar or any other forms. The oil magnates have massive great profits and the sooner we stop gambling on stock-markets with this worlds resources then oil will become affordable as will fuel costs. Then the next step before all our resources run out is real investment into alternative energy without the oil companies controlling what will be allowed.

" The Roving Giraffe News Report " provided through
Ace News Service

Starscape Enterprise: DIY Planetarium of Reused Objects

Starscape Enterprise: DIY Planetarium of Reused Objects: "planetarium dome photo
Artist Drew Denny with Environmentaland exhibit of sustainable planetarium. Photo by RCruger

Beyond an unmarked doorway, only distinguishable by a Land Shark Ale advertisement splashed across on its curved glass walls, lies Environmentaland. Set in a Hollywood mega-mall, home to the Oscars’ Kodak Theatre, it opens into a warehouse-like room. The so-called “eco-theme park” from nonprofit Global Inheritance, displays energy exhibits including alt-fueled golf carts, painted waste bins, and a se...Read the full story on TreeHugger


" The Roving Giraffe News Report " provided through
Ace News Service

XSProject Turns Jakarta's Excessive Trash into Treasure

XSProject Turns Jakarta's Excessive Trash into Treasure: "xsproject usa image .
Click on image to view Ann Wizer's Video on XSProject
photo: XSProject USA

Indonesia is a land of intrigue, beauty, and deep cultural strong holds. But the uglier side of this exotic culture comes in the form of an enormous trash problem. Heaping trash found in the streets, water, and seemingly everywhere that the eye can see. Ann Wizer, visual artist and environmental activist, is doing her part to shed some light on this filthy issue by turning Jakarta’s trash into consumer items. Check out the intensive process behind the art in this video....Read the full story on TreeHugger


This is the dirty side of life in Jakarta but Ann Wizer is trying to change things the way she knows how take a look at the video and leave your comments G